Irbinfra-looks good stock can support around 168-169 and 166 stock Crossover 172 stock can move up to 176 and 178.
Grasim-read Our Previous post
Apil-Buy above 560 tgt568-575 and 580
CentralBank-Buy above 104.60 tgt 108
Seen Miracle In –ACC,AMBUJA,ATUL
Dlf-208-210 Important hurdle if not cross and come down to 202 than sell tgt 198.50

Hdil-Keep sl of 107.50 and buy Crossover 111 stock can move up to 112.70,115,117
PantaloonR-310 Is Strong Hurdle keep sl of 315 and sell around 310 tgt 296-297
Pfc-buy above 153.7 sl 150 tgt 157-160
Ranabaxy-495 immediate hurdle if not break than likely to come down to 475 and 468
Reliance-847-845 Hurdle to watch out
Sbin-Only Crossover 2045 can take this to 2058-60 and 2078-80 and 2110
Techm-Support around 680 can go up to 700-712 and 730
IMP DISCLAIMER: Above matter is technical analysis based on & conceived from charts, which are believed to be authentic over long long time. One should think of own risk first before implementing on above analysis. The author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anybody.