
Technical Analysis Training

Our Endeavor To Enrich You-Professional Trader 

Follow me on twitter at  @Thekalal

"We are Making group of Trader so provide training to like minded people who can trade just like me on 

such parameters used in Training" 

no one can become Chartist or Trader in just two days of Training so ...

"Post Training Full Support On Whatsapp,Learning Stock Selection and then Earning"..Scroll down for screenshots 

Advanced Technical Analysis+ ADX and RSI Advanced 

Course Duration : 12 Hours -2 Days Weekend Program 

Charges : 13530/INR (for few months)

"COST is not a matter for those who want serious training with an active trader, you can cover your cost from stock suggestion in Whatsapp Groups"
Professional Traders-we are sharing Eod Data for NSE/BSE and Intraday Historical Datas (important for intraday trader ) also which cost 12000/year that too free in this training 

Click here for Pricing -apply 1 minutes and 12 months and check price  

"Click or ZOOM IN for all Pics given below for clear view" 

Bangalore Group
1  -MCdowell two times 


Hyderabad Group 

1-Ceat Intraday 1%
2 -NIITECH done 1300 + from 1157

Grasim done 757 from 792

Mumbai Group 

1- Maruti -7440 and tgt 6400 done -asking from member themselves about pattern and all 

2 Escort 710 from 695-96

This Is How We Teach ....

asking from training participants only they can understand logic 
Maruti Discussion-take your time and read click on pic 

Aurophrma- Discussion 

Feel The Difference Of Training ,Identify Early Trading Setup 
Eg We started Maruti sell only at 7850 when other Analysts are now selling at 7160 on HNS pattern breakdown which we already identified just 10 days back ..means Low SL in case of trade goes against trade from extreme levels Done 6400 Tgt done 
Read some tweet Regarding Maruti Click Here 1

Click Here 2 

If you think that Maruti was close call in private group then see here Click Here ULTRACEMCo down 8% given open in public before market open and it was falling when nifty was 70 points up in morning(25-1-2019) 

Another Check Click Here -open in public 

Another One given open in public Click on it 

Chat with training class participants for reason to sell and Pattern Identification -Trade with Confidence 

Learning Continue after Classroom training and earning too

Here is Reliance Picked up at 1095 and just 7 days it went up to 1240 ..reason to become bullish biased and Chart check from member themselves .Chat in group 

We Have RSI advanced  Training Program so this trade was on RSI only ,asked members themselves to check RSI so they can understand why I was bullish and they can trade with confidence
and You can see earning on other calls also shared in Group  

Hope Now, I Don't Need To Post Testimonials