Nsenifty-likey to face hurdle around 5720 and crossover which it can rally up to 5740 and 5760,yesterday it has broken level of 5690 but somehow it manage to sustain and close above this level.For today it it break 5680 than keep sl of 5720 and short tgt 5650,5622-18
Rate Policy Today –Trade With Small Sl Don’t Over leverage Our Sl are Mostly 2500/lot and maximum of 5000/lot
Apil-Likely to face resistance around 625 and 632 breaking of 610 will take this to 602-595-585
Bajajauto-keep watch the levels of 1455 can give 25 rupees
Sbin-below 2680 stock can come down to 2655-48 and 2630 ,in upper side stock can find some resistance around 2720-30
Tatapower-Buy above 1345 keep sl of 1325 tgt 1365 -1375-80
Lichous-sell around 220 keep small sl of 222 ,heavy selling pressure can be seen once it break 215 and stock can come down to 207-203
M&M-sell around 748-50 keep sl of 757 tgt 737,730-28
Maruti-sell below 1283 for tgt of 1268 and 1255,it improper stock while applying sl specially in selling
Mcleodruss-266.50 buy tgt 269.80,271-274,stock hass important suport around 258
Onmobile-Stock has resistance around 304-305 and support around 297 breaking of 297 will creak panic down to 290-288
Centurytex-immediate hurdle around 355 and 352 ,sell below 346.50 sl 350 gtg 340.50
Educomp-Sell around 461-462 sl 467 tgt 455
HP-BP-IOC ....looking good details for clients Only
IMP DISCLAIMER: Above matter is technical analysis based on & conceived from charts, which are believed to be authentic over long long time. One should think of own risk first before implementing on above analysis. The author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anybody.