Nsenifty-5760 and 5880 trend Decider..rest for the clients only.
Aban-632 verygood support,crossover 646 stock will shott up to 659-668
BHel-Buy above 2135 sl 2110 tgt 2160,2185-90
CUB-Buy above 47 only ,keep sl of 42 tgt 58
Fortis-Buy above 158 sl 155 tgt 159.50,161.30
Buy and go long tgt 168-175
Relcapital-Keep sl 606 and buy
Prajind-Keep sl of 72 and buy crossover 76 stock will climb up to 78,80
NEYVELILIG-Buying is suggested above 110....
Mll-Buy above 40.50 tgt 43.20
Jswsteel-Buy above 955 sl 944 tgt 970-73,980-990initial resistance
GulfOil,HIndalco-Looking good
IMP DISCLAIMER: Above matter is technical analysis based on & conceived from charts, which are believed to be authentic over long long time. One should think of own risk first before implementing on above analysis. The author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anybody.